Welcome to the Veterans Drop-In Center!
“We may not know them all, but we owe them all.”

The Veterans’ Drop-In Center – a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation – was started in 2009 when a group of caring, compassionate people decided that Rockford area veterans and their families needed a place to gather and meet with their peers – without some of the formalities that come with other veterans’ organizations.

Volunteering at the Center
We LOVE volunteers.
Our volunteers are AWESOME!
Would you like to volunteer at the Center?
It’s quite easy, and we appreciate it more than we could ever express in words. Our organization runs on volunteers, and without you, we would be nothing.

Do you want to know the best part?
It costs you NOTHING. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No fees, dues, memberships, or meetings. Come and go as you please. It is our gift to you for your service to our country and its people.
On your first visit, however, we will ask to see your DD214 or VA ID card, and ask that you fill out a short form for our internal records.
We offer many things at the center, including but not limited to:
- Fun with your fellow veterans
- Computer classes
- Board games
- Lunch at 12:30 pm, Dinner at 5pm
- Haircuts (1:30 pm, the 2nd Tuesday of the month)
- Onsite meetings with VA and Vet Center representatives (weekly)
- Direct referrals to area veterans’ resources
- Local musicians…
- …and much, much more!
We LOVE donations. Donations are our lifeblood.
Without your donations, we would not exist. However, there are some things that we can use a lot more effectively than others.
Let’s break these into the categories of Dinners, Goods, and Money.

The Veterans 5k Run & Walk
A 5K Run/Walk will benefit the Veterans Drop-In Center in Rockford, IL. This is our 11th annual run/walk and will be held at Mercyhealth Sportscore One, 1288 Elmwood Rd, Rockford. The run is on a beautiful course running over to the Winnebago Forest Preserve and doing a loop around the pond. This run is USATF certified (IL19039NM) and is a 2023 RRR Circuit Race for those who are serious about their running. See more information about the RRR Circuit at www.rockfordroadrunners.org